EV321 - Environmental Management

Environmental management efforts are scientifically, ecologically, and politically contentious, yet necessary given the heightened awareness of our impacts on the environment. Students will learn about principles underlying conservation and management approaches, explore how these principles are applied in practice, and identify potential solutions to the multiple challenges environmental managers face. Case studies may focus on public lands management, restoration and conservation, forestry, and/or water resources, private lands conservation strategies, and the role of environmental non-profits. May involve day or overnight trips. (Not offered 2024-25).

Prerequisite: Environmental Program 128 and Environmental Program 145.

1 unit

Previously Featured Offering

An environmental study in pursuit of sustainable development.
Photo of trees in a forest
In Environmental Management, students will work to achieve the goal of sustainable development of natural resources using and considering approaches such as ecosystems management, adaptive management, environmental management systems, and the precautionary principle. Students will analyze these approaches in case studies involving mining, grazing, damming, and logging and apply them to other activities that impact the environment, such as protecting ocean fisheries and energy production.

No offerings are currently scheduled.

Report an issue - Last updated: 01/24/2025